domingo, 5 de julho de 2020

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Conheça mais sobre o Bypass gástrico, a cirurgia bariátrica mais ...
First, the stomach is divided into two parts, limiting the amount of food that can be eaten. The initial segment, the size of a cup of coffee, is directly connected to the intestine, which was also sectioned in its initial portion. The remaining segment, formed by the stomach, duodenum and beginning of the small intestine, is joined laterally to the intestine itself, forming a Y. This way, the food passes through a small stomach segment and then goes directly to the intestine without having suffered the initial phase. digestion.

UP GLP-1 (peptide similar to glucagon-1) is an intestinal hormone that increases insulin secretion in a glucose-dependent manner, inhibits glycogen secretion and hepatic glucose production, decreases or empties the glycemic, has an action on glucose patterns appetite and satiety at the central level and on adiposity, in addition to exercising direct and indirect actions on the cardiovascular system.

DOWN GRELINA: Ghrelin, also known as the "hunger hormone", is a peptide hormone produced mainly by the epsilon cells of the stomach and pancreas when the stomach is empty and acts on the lateral hypothalamus and arched nucleus generating the sensation of hunger.

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